Unlock Your Psychology Career Potential: Compare the Best Psychology Degree Programs in West Virginia for 2025


Avg. Net Price


Avg. Admitted


Avg. Enrolled


Avg. Graduation Rate


Avg. Student / Faculty

Psychology Degree Programs in West Virginia

Find and compare the best psychology degree programs by state.


Number of Schools

In West Virginia, there are 15 4-year schools that offer psychology degrees


Number of Programs

With 15 schools offering psychology programs, the total number of programs offered in West Virginia is 40


Number of Graduates

The 40 psychology programs in West Virginia produced 1,328 psychology graduates in 2021

Psychology Degree Programs in West Virginia

West Virginia Psychology Degrees Programs

Top (10) Psychology Programs in West Virginia

West Virginia University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 291
Average Cost to Attend: $24,292
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $15,010
Average Net Price: $13,422
Average Admitted: 90%
Average Enrolled: 28%
Average Graduation Rate: 64%
Student / Faculty: 18 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 42%
West Virginia Ranking: #1
National Ranking: #259

Marshall University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 281
Average Cost to Attend: $21,961
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $8,056
Average Net Price: $8,730
Average Admitted: 98%
Average Enrolled: 29%
Average Graduation Rate: 53%
Student / Faculty: 17 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 79%
West Virginia Ranking: #2
National Ranking: #455

West Virginia University Institute of Technology

2021 Psychology Graduates: 22
Average Cost to Attend: $22,876
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $959
Average Net Price: $10,966
Average Admitted: 66%
Average Enrolled: 51%
Average Graduation Rate: 28%
Student / Faculty: 12 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 71%
West Virginia Ranking: #3
National Ranking: #628

Fairmont State University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 43
Average Cost to Attend: $18,968
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $2,537
Average Net Price: $11,277
Average Admitted: 99%
Average Enrolled: 38%
Average Graduation Rate: 46%
Student / Faculty: 14 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 53%
West Virginia Ranking: #4
National Ranking: #523

Shepherd University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 42
Average Cost to Attend: $20,513
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $1,860
Average Net Price: $10,360
Average Admitted: 96%
Average Enrolled: 32%
Average Graduation Rate: 44%
Student / Faculty: 14 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 55%
West Virginia Ranking: #5
National Ranking: #669

West Liberty University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 26
Average Cost to Attend: $24,113
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $1,476
Average Net Price: $14,915
Average Admitted: 74%
Average Enrolled: 32%
Average Graduation Rate: 42%
Student / Faculty: 11 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 58%
West Virginia Ranking: #6
National Ranking: #783

Concord University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 92
Average Cost to Attend: $21,618
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $1,417
Average Net Price: $8,785
Average Admitted: 96%
Average Enrolled: 24%
Average Graduation Rate: 42%
Student / Faculty: 15 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 72%
West Virginia Ranking: #7
National Ranking: #915

American Public University System

2021 Psychology Graduates: 404
Average Cost to Attend: $16,976
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $32,894
Average Net Price: $11,916
Average Admitted: %
Average Enrolled: %
Average Graduation Rate: 47%
Student / Faculty: 22 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 19%
West Virginia Ranking: #8
National Ranking: #1161

Bethany College

2021 Psychology Graduates: 21
Average Cost to Attend: $44,970
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $569
Average Net Price: $14,848
Average Admitted: 74%
Average Enrolled: 9%
Average Graduation Rate: 43%
Student / Faculty: 12 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 66%
West Virginia Ranking: #9
National Ranking: #1193

West Virginia State University

2021 Psychology Graduates: 49
Average Cost to Attend: $24,961
Average Amount Grant / Scholarship: $1,312
Average Net Price: $10,889
Average Admitted: 97%
Average Enrolled: 11%
Average Graduation Rate: 30%
Student / Faculty: 12 / 1
Full-Time Instructors: 66%
West Virginia Ranking: #10
National Ranking: #1263

Psychology Programs Offered in West Virginia

There are 40 undergraduate psychology programs offered by 15 different 4-year colleges, comprising 8 public and 7 private schools.

Additionally, psychology programs in West Virginia produced 925 bachelor’s graduates, 296 master’s graduates and 44 doctorate graduates.

The table below details the programs offered and the total number of graduates in West Virginia.

Psychology GraduatesBSMAPhD
Clinical Psychology11
Counseling and Applied Psychology1517
Counseling Psychology6
Educational Psychology15
General Psychology75714310
Social Work166143
Total Graduates92529644
US Department of Education

Credits Accepted for West Virginia Schools

The types of academic credits available to West Virginia students are varied and include:

  • Dual enrollment
  • Credit for life experiences
  • Advanced placement (AP) credits

Psychology Admission, Enrollment, and Graduation in West Virginia

On average, West Virginia schools admitted 83% of students who applied to 4-year institutions. Of those who were offered admission, 25% enrolled.

The average freshman retention rate for West Virginia schools is 67%, compared to 71% for all universities nationwide.

The overall graduation rate for 4-year colleges and universities in West Virginia is 45%, compared to 56% for all universities nationwide.

The top three schools in West Virginia for highest graduation rate are West Virginia University (64%), Wheeling University (57%), and West Virginia Wesleyan College (54%).

The top three schools with the highest number of psychology graduates in West Virginia are American Public University System (404), West Virginia University (291), and Marshall University (281).

RegionWest VirginiaU.S.
1st Year Return67%71%
US Department of Education

Student & Faculty Information in West Virginia

In the fall of 2021, West Virginia schools that offered psychology programs had an average of 79% full-time instructional or research faculty members and 17% part-time instructional faculty members.

The average student-to-faculty ratio for West Virginia schools offering psychology programs is 14:1.

The table below shows a comparison of the percentage of full-time instructional and research faculty members and the student-to-faculty ratio between West Virginia and the United States as a whole:

RegionWest VirginiaU.S.
Full-Time Instructional61%56%
Full-Time Research2%6%
Part-Time Instructional17%35%
Student Faculty Ratio14:115:1
US Department of Education

Tuition and Student Expenses in West Virginia

If you’re an undergraduate psychology student in West Virginia, the average tuition you’ll pay depends on the institution you choose. Typically, tuition costs range from $5,790 to $31,384 per year, with an average of $17,624. In addition to tuition, you’ll also need to budget for books and supplies, which can cost between $1,000 and $1,800 annually, with an average of $1,320.

The three most affordable undergraduate psychology schools in West Virginia are Fairmont State University ($18,968), Shepherd University ($20,513), and Concord University ($21,618). Meanwhile, the three most expensive institutions are the Bethany College ($44,970), West Virginia State University ($24,961), and Marshall University ($21,961).

As for prospective graduate psychology students, the average cost of tuition and fees for graduate programs varies widely based on the school and program chosen. Graduate tuition costs between $5,946 and $29,000 per year, with an average of $11,580. However, most graduate programs also require additional fees, such as application fees, technology fees, and library fees, which can add up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. In-state graduate fees typically range from $260 to $1,946, with an average of $760.

The three most affordable graduate psychology schools in West Virginia are Fairmont State University ($7,892), Shepherd University ($8,730), and Marshall University ($8,882). Meanwhile, the three most expensive graduate programs are Bethany College ($11,200), Concord University ($9,450), and West Virginia State University ($9,161).

If you’re curious about how West Virginia schools stack up against national averages, you can compare average total expenses in the table below. Note that these figures don’t take into account financial aid, grants, loans, or scholarships. If you’re interested in that information, you can find it in the sections below.

Average Expenses for Psychology SchoolsWest VirginiaU.S.
On Campus Room & Board$10,756$11,729
On-Campus Living Expenses$2,580$3,474
Total Living Expenses$13,336$15,203
Tuition for In-State, Undergraduate$17,624$21,301
Books and Supplies, Undergraduate$1,320$1,254
Total Undergraduate Expenses$32,280$37,758
In-State, Graduate Tuition$11,580$14,479
In-State, Graduate Fees$760$1,155
Total Graduate Expenses$12,340$15,634
US Department of Education

Cost to Attend, Financial Aid, Net Price in West Virginia

Average Net Price

In West Virginia, the cost to attend a college or university that offers psychology programs is a significant financial investment. The key term to know for college affordability is the net price.

The average net price for a college or university in West Virginia that offers psychology programs is $13,411. This figure is calculated based on the most recent data provided by each institution to the US Department of Education.

Net price is determined by adding up the costs of tuition, room and board, living expenses, books, and supplies and then subtracting the average financial aid, such as grants, scholarships, and loans, received by federal financial aid recipients.

FinancialWest VirginiaU.S.
Cost to Attend$32,280$37,758
Average Financial Aid$12,087$13,984
Percent Receiving Aid96%90%
Net Price$13,411$17,524
US Department of Education

Net Price by Family Income

Depending on the federal, state, or institutional grant aid available, the table below shows the average amount students pay to attend West Virginia universities shown by family income bracket.

Students may pay more or less depending on their individual circumstances; however, these are the average costs as tracked by the university and reported to the U.S. Department of Education.

Average Net Price by Income2020-20212021-2022
$0 – $30,000$7,956$7,806
$30,001 – $48,000$8,777$8,679
$48,001 – $75,000$10,741$11,219
$75,001 – $110,000$13,155$13,789
$110,001 and more$14,226$14,224
US Department of Education

Psychology Salary Reports for West Virginia

We use annual surveys of 100,000 psychologists to compile data on salary, employment projections, cost-of-living adjustments, comparisons to related professions, salary based on years of experience, and rankings by city.