Salary Report for New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists

  • The number of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists currently employed in New York is 4,220.
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychologists in New York earn an average of $120,350 per year or $57.86 per hour.
  • The percentage of U.S. Clinical and Counseling Psychologists who work in New York is 7%.

New York Rankings

  • New York ranks #5 in the U.S. for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists salary and #5 when adjusted for cost-of-living.
  • New York ranks #2 in the U.S. for the total number of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists employed.

Compare New York to U.S.

New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn an average of $120,350 which is 20% more than the national average salary of $99,640.

TypeNew YorkU.S.% Difference
Average Hourly Wage$57.86$47.9020.79%
Average Annual Salary$120,350$99,64020.78%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary Range by Education and Experience

In New York, 50% of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn between $78,930 and $132,860 a year, depending on factors such as level of education, experience, location and place of employment.

About 10% of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn more than $0, a rate generally associated with highly educated and experienced Clinical and Counseling Psychologists.

Approximately 10% of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn under $48,800, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Clinical and Counseling Psychologists.

PercentExperienceEmployedAnnual Salary
10%Less than a Year422Under $48,800
15%2 – 4 years633$48,800 – $78,930
25%5 – 9 years1,055$78,930 – $104,070
25%10 – 14 years1,055$104,070 – $132,860
15%15 – 20 years633$104,070 – $0
10%20+ years422Above $0
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Adjusted for Cost-of-Living

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Clinical and Counseling Psychologists in New York psychologists earn about $109,201 per year which is more than the average U.S. psychologist of $99,640.

Cost-of-living in New York is 10% higher than the national average, which means New York residents have an overall higher cost for food, housing, utilities and transportation compared to other states.

  • National average salary for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists is $99,640.
  • Average New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists salary is $120,350.
  • Adjusted for cost-of-living, New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn an average salary of $109,201.

More cost-of-living reports for U.S. States.

Salary Compared to Related Professions

Clinical and Counseling Psychologists tend to earn more than Substance Abuse Counselors ($56,050), Health Care Social Workers ($61,680), Marriage and Family Therapists ($62,210), Social Workers ($68,660), School Psychologists ($97,640), Forensic Psychologists ($104,140), and Psychology Teachers ($104,580).

TitleAnnual Salary
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists$120,350
Psychology Teachers$104,580
Forensic Psychologists$104,140
School Psychologists$97,640
Social Workers$68,660
Marriage and Family Therapists$62,210
Health Care Social Workers$61,680
Substance Abuse Counselors$56,050
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salaries Ranked by New York Cities

The average salary for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists in New York is $120,350. The top cities that pay Clinical and Counseling Psychologists the most are Capital/Northern New York Nonmetropolitan Area ($97,890), Southwest New York Nonmetropolitan Area ($91,050) and New York-Newark-Jersey City ($129,390).

When adjusted for cost-of-living, the cities that pay Clinical and Counseling Psychologists the highest average annual salary are Southwest New York Nonmetropolitan Area ($98,817), Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls ($118,046) and Binghamton ($117,369).

The following table shows the average yearly salary range for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists in each city, and the average yearly salary after being adjusted for cost-of-living in that state.

The difference column shows how much more or less purchasing power a Clinical and Counseling Psychologists salary will have in that area.

AreaAverage SalaryCOL AdjustedDifference
New York-Newark-Jersey City$129,390$112,055$-17,335
Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls$112,970$118,046$5,076
Central East New York Nonmetropolitan Area$105,160$114,131$8,971
Capital/Northern New York Nonmetropolitan Area$97,890$106,241$8,351
Southwest New York Nonmetropolitan Area$91,050$98,817$7,767
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary FAQ for New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists

New York Clinical and Counseling Psychologists earn between $48,800 and $0 a year depending on their level of education, experience and skill.

There are currently 4,220 Clinical and Counseling Psychologists employed in New York which is about 7% of the U.S. total.

Clinical and Counseling Psychologists are the highest paid psychologists in New York with an average annual wage of $120,350.

An entry level psychologist makes as much as $48,800 a year in New York

The most Clinical and Counseling Psychologists work in the New York-Newark-Jersey City area where 3,880 Clinical and Counseling Psychologists are employed.

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Clinical and Counseling Psychologists in New York earn 109,201 per year, while the average across the United States earns $99,640.

By 0, New York will need 0 Clinical and Counseling Psychologists. A less than 5 Clinical and Counseling Psychologists will need to enter into the New York work forces each year.

City and Rural Summaries


Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $108,810
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $108,485
Hourly Wage: $52.31
Currently Employed: 160
Cost-of-Living Index: 100.30
Albany-Schenectady-Troy Salary Report


Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $111,160
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $117,369
Hourly Wage: $53
Currently Employed: 50
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.71
Binghamton Salary Report

Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls

Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $112,970
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $118,046
Hourly Wage: $54.31
Currently Employed: 110
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.70
Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls Salary Report

Capital/Northern New York Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $97,890
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $106,241
Hourly Wage: $47
Currently Employed: 50
Cost-of-Living Index: 92.14
Capital/Northern New York Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report

Central East New York Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $105,160
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $114,131
Hourly Wage: $50.56
Currently Employed: 60
Cost-of-Living Index: 92.14
Central East New York Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report

New York-Newark-Jersey City

Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $129,390
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $112,055
Hourly Wage: $62
Currently Employed: 3,880
Cost-of-Living Index: 115.47
New York-Newark-Jersey City Salary Report


Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $100,610
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $102,360
Hourly Wage: $48.37
Currently Employed: 120
Cost-of-Living Index: 98.29
Rochester Salary Report

Southwest New York Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $91,050
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $98,817
Hourly Wage: $44
Currently Employed: 50
Cost-of-Living Index: 92.14
Southwest New York Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report


Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $101,620
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $105,208
Hourly Wage: $48.86
Currently Employed: 110
Cost-of-Living Index: 96.59
Syracuse Salary Report


Average Clinical and Counseling Psychologists Salary: $102,330
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $109,655
Hourly Wage: $49
Currently Employed: 80
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.32
Utica-Rome Salary Report

Official Data Sources for Clinical and Counseling Psychologists: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data