Salary Report for Texas Health Care Social Workers

  • The number of Health Care Social Workers currently employed in Texas is 11,550.
  • Health Care Social Workers in Texas earn an average of $64,840 per year or $31.17 per hour.
  • The percentage of U.S. Health Care Social Workers who work in Texas is 7%.
  • Texas will need 13,380 new Health Care Social Workers by 2030 or 1,340 new psychologists per year.

Texas Rankings

  • Texas ranks #12 in the U.S. for Health Care Social Workers salary and #18 when adjusted for cost-of-living.
  • Texas ranks #3 in the U.S. for the total number of Health Care Social Workers employed.
  • Texas ranks #3 in U.S. for the number of new Health Care Social Workers needed by 2030.
  • Texas ranks #10 in U.S. for the percentage of new Health Care Social Workers needed by 2030.

Compare Texas to U.S.

Texas Health Care Social Workers earn an average of $64,840 which is 4% more than the national average salary of $62,310.

TypeTexasU.S.% Difference
Average Hourly Wage$31.17$29.964.04%
Average Annual Salary$64,840$62,3104.06%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary Range by Education and Experience

In Texas, 50% of Health Care Social Workers earn between $49,040 and $76,490 a year, depending on factors such as level of education, experience, location and place of employment.

About 10% of Health Care Social Workers earn more than $90,600, a rate generally associated with highly educated and experienced Health Care Social Workers.

Approximately 10% of Health Care Social Workers earn under $41,990, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Health Care Social Workers.

PercentExperienceEmployedAnnual Salary
10%Less than a Year1,155Under $41,990
15%2 – 4 years1,732$41,990 – $49,040
25%5 – 9 years2,888$49,040 – $62,270
25%10 – 14 years2,888$62,270 – $76,490
15%15 – 20 years1,732$62,270 – $90,600
10%20+ years1,155Above $90,600
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Adjusted for Cost-of-Living

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Health Care Social Workers in Texas psychologists earn about $65,140 per year which is less than the average U.S. psychologist of $62,310.

Cost-of-living in Texas is 0% less than the national average, which means Texas residents have an overall less cost for food, housing, utilities and transportation compared to other states.

  • National average salary for Health Care Social Workers is $62,310.
  • Average Texas Health Care Social Workers salary is $64,840.
  • Adjusted for cost-of-living, Texas Health Care Social Workers earn an average salary of $65,140.

More cost-of-living reports for U.S. States.

Salary Compared to Related Professions

With an average annual salary of $64,840, Texas Health Care Social Workers tend to earn less than Forensic Psychologists ($101,680), Clinical and Counseling Psychologists ($82,510), Psychology Teachers ($71,240), and School Psychologists ($71,080).

However, Health Care Social Workers tend to earn more than Social Workers ($49,310), Substance Abuse Counselors ($49,510), and Marriage and Family Therapists ($56,950).

TitleAnnual Salary
Forensic Psychologists$101,680
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists$82,510
Psychology Teachers$71,240
School Psychologists$71,080
Health Care Social Workers$64,840
Marriage and Family Therapists$56,950
Substance Abuse Counselors$49,510
Social Workers$49,310
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Projected Demand for Psychologists in 2030

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that in Texas the three professions needing the most new psychologists by 2030 are Social Workers (23,880), Substance Abuse Counselors (17,960) and Health Care Social Workers (13,380).

The three professions in Texas needing highest percentage new psychologists by 2030 are Substance Abuse Counselors (28.2%), Health Care Social Workers (19.4%) and Psychology Teachers (15.7%).

Title20202030ChangeYearly Openings
Social Workers20,87023,88014.4%2,340
Substance Abuse Counselors14,01017,96028.2%1,860
Health Care Social Workers11,21013,38019.4%1,340
Forensic Psychologists3,1303,4209.3%240
Psychology Teachers2,6103,02015.7%300
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, 2022*

Salaries Ranked by Texas Cities

The average salary for Health Care Social Workers in Texas is $64,840. The top cities that pay Health Care Social Workers the most are Austin-Round Rock ($73,940), Odessa ($69,030) and Beaumont-Port Arthur ($68,740).

When adjusted for cost-of-living, the cities that pay Health Care Social Workers the highest average annual salary are Beaumont-Port Arthur ($73,550), Austin-Round Rock ($72,633) and Laredo ($71,194).

The following table shows the average yearly salary range for Health Care Social Workers in each city, and the average yearly salary after being adjusted for cost-of-living in that state.

The difference column shows how much more or less purchasing power a Health Care Social Workers salary will have in that area.

AreaAverage SalaryCOL AdjustedDifference
Austin-Round Rock$73,940$72,633$-1,307
Beaumont-Port Arthur$68,740$73,550$4,810
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington$67,020$63,792$-3,228
Corpus Christi$65,240$67,362$2,122
Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land$65,140$65,094$-46
San Antonio-New Braunfels$64,270$65,635$1,365
Border Region of Texas$62,700$68,667$5,967
San Angelo$61,140$63,496$2,356
North Texas Region of Texas$60,570$66,334$5,764
Big Thicket Region of Texas$60,510$66,269$5,759
Coastal Plains Region of Texas$59,850$65,546$5,696
West Texas Region of Texas$57,570$63,049$5,479
El Paso$57,270$61,442$4,172
Hill Country Region of Texas$56,510$61,888$5,378
College Station-Bryan$55,150$58,010$2,860
Wichita Falls$53,200$57,939$4,739
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary FAQ for Texas Health Care Social Workers

Texas Health Care Social Workers earn between $41,990 and $90,600 a year depending on their level of education, experience and skill.

There are currently 11,550 Health Care Social Workers employed in Texas which is about 7% of the U.S. total.

Forensic Psychologists are the highest paid psychologists in Texas with an average annual wage of $101,680.

An entry level psychologist makes as much as $41,990 a year in Texas

The most Health Care Social Workers work in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington area where 3,240 Health Care Social Workers are employed.

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Health Care Social Workers in Texas earn 65,140 per year, while the average across the United States earns $62,310.

By 2030, Texas will need 13,380 Health Care Social Workers. A total of 1,340 Health Care Social Workers will need to enter into the Texas work forces each year.

City and Rural Summaries


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $59,590
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $63,098
Hourly Wage: $28.65
Currently Employed: 100
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.44
Abilene Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $61,250
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $63,689
Hourly Wage: $29
Currently Employed: 120
Cost-of-Living Index: 96.17
Amarillo Salary Report

Austin-Round Rock

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $73,940
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $72,633
Hourly Wage: $35.55
Currently Employed: 990
Cost-of-Living Index: 101.80
Austin-Round Rock Salary Report

Beaumont-Port Arthur

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $68,740
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $73,550
Hourly Wage: $33
Currently Employed: 120
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.46
Beaumont-Port Arthur Salary Report

Big Thicket Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $60,510
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $66,269
Hourly Wage: $29.09
Currently Employed: 70
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
Big Thicket Region of Texas Salary Report

Border Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $62,700
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $68,667
Hourly Wage: $30
Currently Employed: 50
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
Border Region of Texas Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $51,830
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $57,743
Hourly Wage: $24.92
Currently Employed: 210
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.76
Brownsville-Harlingen Salary Report

Coastal Plains Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $59,850
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $65,546
Hourly Wage: $29
Currently Employed: 100
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
Coastal Plains Region of Texas Salary Report

College Station-Bryan

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $55,150
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $58,010
Hourly Wage: $26.52
Currently Employed: 110
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.07
College Station-Bryan Salary Report

Corpus Christi

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $65,240
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $67,362
Hourly Wage: $31
Currently Employed: 180
Cost-of-Living Index: 96.85
Corpus Christi Salary Report

Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $67,020
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $63,792
Hourly Wage: $32.22
Currently Employed: 3,240
Cost-of-Living Index: 105.06
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Salary Report

El Paso

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $57,270
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $61,442
Hourly Wage: $28
Currently Employed: 360
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.21
El Paso Salary Report

Hill Country Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $56,510
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $61,888
Hourly Wage: $27.17
Currently Employed: 120
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
Hill Country Region of Texas Salary Report

Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $65,140
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $65,094
Hourly Wage: $31
Currently Employed: 2,690
Cost-of-Living Index: 100.07
Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $66,670
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $70,662
Hourly Wage: $32.05
Currently Employed: 110
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.35
Killeen-Temple Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $66,410
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $71,194
Hourly Wage: $32
Currently Employed: 80
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.28
Laredo Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $64,180
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $68,408
Hourly Wage: $30.86
Currently Employed: 100
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.82
Longview Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $57,740
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $60,397
Hourly Wage: $28
Currently Employed: 210
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.60
Lubbock Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $59,890
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $67,680
Hourly Wage: $28.79
Currently Employed: 230
Cost-of-Living Index: 88.49
McAllen-Edinburg-Mission Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $64,080
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $61,373
Hourly Wage: $31
Currently Employed: 50
Cost-of-Living Index: 104.41
Midland Salary Report

North Texas Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $60,570
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $66,334
Hourly Wage: $29.12
Currently Employed: 200
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
North Texas Region of Texas Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $69,030
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $68,933
Hourly Wage: $33
Currently Employed: 40
Cost-of-Living Index: 100.14
Odessa Salary Report

San Angelo

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $61,140
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $63,496
Hourly Wage: $29.39
Currently Employed: 60
Cost-of-Living Index: 96.29
San Angelo Salary Report

San Antonio-New Braunfels

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $64,270
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $65,635
Hourly Wage: $31
Currently Employed: 1,020
Cost-of-Living Index: 97.92
San Antonio-New Braunfels Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $60,810
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $64,342
Hourly Wage: $29.24
Currently Employed: 60
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.51
Sherman-Denison Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $62,990
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $70,656
Hourly Wage: $30
Currently Employed: 70
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.15
Texarkana Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $62,210
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $64,174
Hourly Wage: $29.91
Currently Employed: 130
Cost-of-Living Index: 96.94
Tyler Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $58,090
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $60,917
Hourly Wage: $28
Currently Employed: 40
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.36
Victoria Salary Report


Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $58,770
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $62,237
Hourly Wage: $28.26
Currently Employed: 110
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.43
Waco Salary Report

West Texas Region of Texas

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $57,570
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $63,049
Hourly Wage: $28
Currently Employed: 120
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.31
West Texas Region of Texas Salary Report

Wichita Falls

Average Health Care Social Workers Salary: $53,200
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $57,939
Hourly Wage: $25.58
Currently Employed: 80
Cost-of-Living Index: 91.82
Wichita Falls Salary Report

Official Data Sources for Health Care Social Workers: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data